Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hallelujah, Jeff Buckley

"Hallelujah" a word that evokes a sense of glory and elation. This is truly a powerful word and is said to be the greatest word of praise in three major world faiths. The song "Hallelujah"covered by the late great performer Jeff Buckley is said to be the most beautiful rendition and has been used in many television shows including "West Wing".

 As I listen to this hunting music, I fight back the tears. For me this song represents a longing and a hope. A hope that even at its worst... there is always hope... even if it is dark and the night is long... there is hope. Sometimes I do not communicate well, sometimes I look like a pit bull and snarl at the one I love. I sometimes cannot believe that after all this... someone still loves me. So if you are in times of trouble and stress, look up.

Whomever you find your peace in, look up and never forget what makes you laugh. The Dali Lama says that if you do not laugh, you will not make it through this life.

I love you.

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