Monday, February 7, 2011

Loneliness.... is a bitch

I m here listening to the Beatles, more specifically "Yesterday". I live in a city and am surrounded by thousands and yet today I feel so alone. I am tired of working to what seems to be no end... but I will pick myself up and carry on. I have not heard back from the musical I was supposed to be cast in, nor from the band seeking a new lead singer and I have not heard from the photographer I was supposed to meet. I also have not heard from the agency in Los Angeles, nor have I heard from my boyfriend. I know this sounds like the worst self pity party ever... I do not pity myself, I am just venting to the internet. Now that I am not working full time it gives me more time to think and that is not always good. A great friend of mine says " your mind is like a beautiful crystal clear lake, then a pebble falls into the water creating ripples. The ripples continue to grow until the entire lake is muddy and clear vision is impaired." He goes on to say " Do not be disturbed by little pebbles that fall into your life. control your mind and you control your future".

I just feel so alone and abandoned today. I know it shall pass.... but it is sad today.

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