Thursday, March 3, 2011

Baroque Costume Design

The late Baroque era, in my opinion, was a beautiful time in costume history. It was the age of excess... for those that could afford it. Pastels reigned as colour of choice for nobles. The reason for being is that light colours were difficult to  produce and more importantly... keep clean. Wigs were all the rage because it allowed one to have elaborate hair with changeable styles but to keep natural hair cropped short.             

I remember my love of the Baroque since my youth. at the "Old age" of fifteen, I decided to wear knee breeches a powdered wig and a beauty mark. My mother stopped upon my departure from the house and said  "NO! people already look at you strangely and I will not have this!" But to me it felt right to wear it, but I listened and changed my clothes. It was not until many years later that I tried it again. First in Las Vegas as a fancy dress costume. Then again in Greece where it became part of my standard wardrobe.

In my work I do not ever like to copy something completely, but to allow myself to be inspired by the original. I recently designed an elaborate Baroque inspired costume using vintage fabric from the 1960's with a very "mod'' pattern and texture.  I actually needed something to wear to the opening night gala of the San Francisco Ballet. I had originally decided to purchase something new, but through the persuasion of a dear friend, created something unique and original.  I am aware that not everyone can nor have the desire to wear this in full 18th century style. When I wore it to the ballet, I wore no make-up and a natural hair with a well fitted black shirt. This costume was the rage of the Gala!!!

Related Costume Design Links:

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